Dangerous Compassions

fundraiser for disabled people in power outage areas

I’m posting this fundraiser because I thought someone with a job and everything might want to give.  Just an idea.   Ming and I are both disabled.  I started out psychiatrically disabled, and then I had that ulcer bleed early this year, and I slowed down a lot.  Ming’s narcolepsy plus OCD is a bad combination. … Read More »

Dangerous Compassions

outlier: representing the weird, alien food, the optimism of eighth grade social studies

Many years ago, far far away, I knew a lady.  She lived with her girlfriend, and I knew her from school.  She wasn’t exactly my friend, but I liked her.  She’s a lawyer now.  We’re friends on facebook. One day, they got a phone call.  Ring ring.  This was before cell phones were even a… Read More »

Dangerous Compassions

restroom token from a train station in the Central Valley

When I was traveling by train and bus, sometimes I was at a station in the Central Valley of California.  I remember large rooms with lots of chairs for waiting.  People on their cellphones, people with luggage, adults trying to entertain bored kids, the tv screens that said when what bus or train was arriving… Read More »

Dangerous Compassions

ideal home / homestead list

I made this list a few months ago and have added a few things, but mostly it’s the same. Anything I’m forgetting? Laura-Marie’s ideal home / homestead list zine library smells good no mold no bugs indoors nothing broken no half-finished repair projects no pets no cactus / spiky falling hazards accessible to very fat… Read More »

Dangerous Compassions

breaking up with my robot, some permaculture ideas I like, night quiet

I downloaded a mental health app Ming suggested.  I thought I’d try it for a week at least.  I liked some things about it, but a week was enough. It’s an AI–you’re supposed to talk to it about how you’re feeling, and it’s supposed to teach you mental health skills.  At first I thought it… Read More »

Dangerous Compassions

asking the universe for squishy mats, officially middle aged, enoughness

Yesterday was momentous in two ways. 1.  I asked the universe for squishy mats.  There are these mats you can put in your kitchen and then when you stand there for a long time, it’s not as painful for your feet or joints. I love these mats.  Besides chores, I like to stand on them… Read More »

Dangerous Compassions

pumpkin carving ritual, Colombian food, mental health efforts that ignore root problems of capitalism and misogyny

Yesterday was community lunch.  I forget we were doing pumpkins–R had bought five pumpkins.  The mood became lighthearted. I had the largest, orangest, fattest pumpkin.  You know I was supposed to carve it–instead I hugged it.  That pumpkin seemed real and good, and I needed to hold onto it more than do a tradition-process and… Read More »

Dangerous Compassions

publicity stunt farmers market complete with beautiful flowers and too many feelings

Yesterday we went to a huge farmers market for kids.  A lot of schools have gardens now, and the kids had tables and were selling stuff.  We bought: gorgeous flowers chamomile seeds a kid-made notecard a loofah loofah seeds two little magnets sunchokes Some of the prices were high.  But then the flowers–they were only… Read More »

Dangerous Compassions

cleaning out the spice cabinet: victory

I wanted to clean out the spice cabinet for a long time.  A year, maybe.  Ming got it all ready for me.  Moved the dishwasher, cleared the counter. This house had spices already when we came here, from the previous tenant.  So our spices got together with those spices. Powdered mustard–I don’t even know what… Read More »

Dangerous Compassions

zine store fantasy and all that entails

I made another bag to give out to a person begging on the street.  I’m now out of hand sanitizer, little toothpastes, tissue packets, individually wrapped plastic spoons, and dollar bills.  I thought I had more stuff than that.  It’s good not to accumulate too much, but I was surprised. I finished a draft of… Read More »