Mid to low 80s around here as far as the eye can see. I dig it. Not bad for June.
Month: May 2009
Yesterday morning we went to Sacramento Bushido-Kai to do spring cleaning. Erik and I cleaned the mats, which took the whole two hours. It was fun and pretty hard work. Other workers did vacuuming and washed the windows and the mirrors, removed spider webs, and other stuff I didn’t really see–washed the door frame, for… Read More »

Here is a mandala made by Jack Cheiky based on one of Erik’s photos.
vegan lemon cake
This evening I baked a vegan lemon cake, and it’s delicious in its lemoniness, moist, sweet. I used white whole wheat flour instead of regular and used half brown sugar, half white sugar. It came out perfect. I didn’t know whether to make frosting, but we tried it and agreed it doesn’t need frosting. This… Read More »
without the song
This morning we went to McKinley Park and walked together–then Erik ran, and I wrote in my journal and wrote a letter to C in Bishop. Afterward, we sat together at a picnic table, and some bugs were scaring me, so we moved to a bench by the pond. We saw baby wood ducks, lots… Read More »
reading frenzy
This morning I called a worker in Oakland about Medi-Cal forms, and she said to just put them in the mail. I was all dressed up with no place to go, so we decided to go out to Fair Oaks and see the feral chickens. Erik wanted to go to the riverside and write. So… Read More »
lemon bars as they are
The vegan lemon bars aren’t as good as “real” lemon bars. Well, they’re different. I was feeling so nostalgic about the lemon bars of my past, I wanted them to taste exactly the same, which of course they didn’t. The crust is the same, but the lemon part on these vegan ones is more like… Read More »
vegan lemon bars
Today I made vegan lemon bars. We haven’t tried them yet–they’re supposed to chill until 9:30. They were so much work. If I had understood how much work, I might not have undertaken the project. When I was a kid and made lemon bars, I thought it was pretty easy, though it is a two-step… Read More »
This morning at karma yoga day, I worked with P–we trimmed some vinca on the sides of the path on the Shiva mound. I dug up some vinca that was growing in the wrong place and transplanted it some other place where we need more–hard work with a big shovel. I watered that area. And… Read More »
Tonight Erik’s going to a concert at the park to see his friend D for the last time before D moves to Oregon. Then tomorrow Erik’s going to the fair with T while I’m off at karma yoga day. I will be pulling weeds with P from 9 to noon and then eating lunch at… Read More »