Yesterday while researching at Ikeda’s I realized it’s possible to put streusel on banana bread. So I just made vegan banana bread–it’s in the oven. Erik wanted chocolate chips, and last few times I haven’t used chocolate chips, so I agreed. And I found a nice vegan streusel recipe and put that on top. It… Read More »
Month: February 2010
food safe
There’s this blue plastic mesh that our elephant garlic comes in. I was frustrated with my cheesecloth because its holes are not uniform and sometimes little things want to slip through. So I covered the mouth of a jar (the one my whole dried peas are soaking in) with that blue mesh and secured it… Read More »
cost note
I got the dried fava beans for $3.55 a pound. Soaking them to make for dinner tomorrow.
trip out
I visited myspace today. A friend occasionally posts to his blog there, and so I read his post, and he’s moving, so I messaged him for his new address. I always send him zines. Anyway, I looked at my profile there and started cracking up at some of the things I said like, “If you’re… Read More »
another sentence
I’m thinking of what I could tell you–we got sick with another cold, we went to Whole Foods and I got a vegan crumb donut, dinner tofu scramble wasn’t as good as usual and I don’t know why, I slept like a log last night, I think I’ve quit choir indefinitely because I’m not going… Read More »
one sentence
Tonight my friend H picked me up, and we went to her place, where she cooked us bean tacos and we made cards.
61 cents
Today we went to our favorite cafe and the co-op. Then we walked half an hour at our favorite park. Erik’s best friend T was at the cafe. He was using his computer, on the far side of the room, and Erik spotted him after we’d been there about 20 minutes. T showed Erik pictures,… Read More »
The weekend was good–I yarn shopped with my mom. We made apple crisp. We went out to Mexican food, and at El Pueblito there was a mariachi band. The trumpet made me feel really uncomfortable. We watched a lot of Jeopardy, and we watched Erik play a video game for a long time. Today some… Read More »
got home this afternoon
Didn’t disappear off the face of the earth–just went to visit my parents. Posting will resume tomorrow.
tulip trees
First I photocopied while Erik meditated in the car. The price is right, but the copy machines leave much to be desired. I think I need to find a new place. Last time I had a problem with margin creep. This time I thought everything was fine, but today while I was collating and folding… Read More »