Work today was okay. As Erik and I drove away afterward, I said, “It’s like it never happened.” One of the supervisors brought in a rhubarb pie he baked for us last night, and ice cream too, and both were a delicious treat. I got to talk a little with the woman who gave me… Read More »
Month: May 2008
me and Kitty
cat update
Kitty’s had fleas for a while now, but today we finally gave him the noxious treatment. So he’s become persona non grata around here. We’re wary of that wet patch on the back of his neck.
raisin update
I used to hate raisins, but now I think they’re okay. I would never seek them out. But if there are some raisins in my oatmeal cookie, I’m fine with that.
just so
I got an email from someone in Portland saying he wanted to buy 10 functionally ill #2s from me at wholesale for Portland libraries. So this morning I made another small run of functionally ill #2, and I’ve packaged up 10 plus one of #1 and one of #3 as bonuses. So I’ll hopefully send… Read More »
I checked my myspace page, and it had reverted back to the previous song. But I think I fixed it now.
super happyday
Today I got some news that left me ecstatic yet skeptical. I called and finally got through to someone at county billing, and she said the $2500 bill I was sent was a billing error. She said she would erase it, and that if I got any more bills, I should call her. What do… Read More »
sari shopping
My current favorite sari.
The Lake
I keep forgetting to say that I have a new song up at my myspace page, and if you haven’t already heard it, I think you should hear it. It’s “The Lake” by Antony and the Johnsons.
cauliflower not nopales
This morning instead of church, Erik and I went to McKinley park and walked. Then we sat talking for a while by the dunk pond. Then we went to the co-op, and I got some nice vanilla lip balm. Then we went to the big farmers market downtown under the freeway. We looked for asparagus,… Read More »