Dangerous Compassions

turning toward the divine

Yep, all those things I thought would happen yesterday pretty much happened–they played laser tag, I sat at a Peet’s.  Hugs.  Red Robin, too much sugar. This morning we went to church.  A nun I like gave the lecture.  It was inspiring fun.  She talked about turning toward the divine. But we had to leave… Read More »

Dangerous Compassions

day predictions

1.  Red Robin 2.  not playing laser tag 3.  reading and writing at Peet’s while other people play laser tag 4.  hugs with my step-children 5.  hahahahahahaha!  I have step-children 6.  that means I might have step-grandchildren someday 7.  rain 8.  drives 9.  photocopying 10.  birthday greetings Happy birthday to Ming!

Dangerous Compassions

The Rings Around Saturn

We were at this intersection where we’d been skipped before.  We waited.  It skipped us.  It skipped us again.  The people behind us at the intersection gave up and turned right.  It skipped us again and again.  Eventually we gave up and turned right too. Loud workers are here with an impossibly loud radio.  Oh,… Read More »

Dangerous Compassions


This is our new zucchini plant given to us by a friend.  Its name is triumvirate, though there are four plants.  We hope its name confuses the slugs.  They’ll say, “Where’s triumvirate?  Oh wait, this can’t be triumvirate.”  Go us for our slug-confusing ways.

Dangerous Compassions

new bracelet made by my friend C

Dangerous Compassions

are you experienced at collecting stamps?

I swoon over the new Jimi Hendrix stamp!

Dangerous Compassions

velvet queen

Yesterday we planted some sunflower seeds.  The sunflowers are supposed to be red.  I hope they grow.  The rain we’re supposed to get tonight, tomorrow, and Saturday should help.

Dangerous Compassions

oh and

Slugs ate all the leaves off the zucchini baby.  Sadness!

Dangerous Compassions

gone hyperspace

“I think we’ve gone hyperspace,” I told my friend AL on the phone today, and she didn’t know what I was talking about.  “It’s a video game thing,” I told her.  But I don’t think that’s precisely true. “Outside of normal space,” Ming said when I asked him about hyperspace.  “Really really fast.” Then there’s… Read More »

Dangerous Compassions
