Dangerous Compassions


Dangerous Compassions

pagan pride

Dangerous Compassions

political prisoner letter writing night

Dangerous Compassions

goodbye to September

Today’s Las Vegas’s annual Pagan Pride.  Nevada Desert Experience has a community table.  We will talk to people all day, is the idea.  I’ll need some breaks, though. I’m worried about being confronted by angry military pagans who think we shouldn’t be there.  I wish I’d prepared some soundbites. It’s going to be a long… Read More »

Dangerous Compassions

new zine

Dangerous Compassions

dangerous compassions

Well, I survived the doctor.  I had to listen to a little kid lose their shit through the wall, when my blood pressure was being taken, and then again when I was talking to the doctor.  I don’t know who was doing what to which little kids, but they weren’t happy. That’s when compassion gets… Read More »

Dangerous Compassions

doctor trauma

I feel better now, but I have to go to the doctor today.  It happens every three months.  It’s kind of torture: go there, wait forever, get weighed.  Blood pressure.  Wait more.  Finally see the doctor, the midwife psychiatric nurse, and talk to her who smiles and clicks checkboxes on her computer and types things… Read More »

Dangerous Compassions


I feel blah, uncreative, spent.  I want attention but don’t know how to get it.  I’m not sure what to do.  I guess I’ll write a blog post. Ming’s eating corn for breakfast.  Yesterday at community lunch my friend made fried rice but half the rice was actually cauliflower.  It was great. When the sun… Read More »

Dangerous Compassions

love you

Yesterday we went to Red Rock overlook and held hands and kissed.  Ming went for a little walk while I dozed in the car and listened to tourists say stupid things. Then we ran a couple errands.  I made up a joke. How many Catholic Workers does it take to change a lightbulb? One, but… Read More »

Dangerous Compassions
