There are all sorts of vendors at the ALA confernece in addition to the book ones, library tech ones, library info ones, government ones, etc. There’s a booth of Navajo women selling jewelery. I bought some earrings from them for $12. They’re small and two greens in an interesting pattern. I will show them to… Read More »
Month: June 2014
what made my day
Taking a break in the computer room here at the ALA conference. What made my day today: Yesterday I sold issue one of functionally ill to someone, and she read it last night. She liked it so much she came back to our table today and bought the complete set. So she now has all… Read More »
suffer for fashion
It’s day three of our tabling at the ALA conference. We’re sitting on the floor in the lobby again to use Ming’s computer. I have been paying attention to dresses lately. I wish for a cute one. But I don’t like shopping, and since my size is less common, it’s hard to find something good.… Read More »
at the ALA conference
We are on the floor of the lobby waiting for the exhibition hall to open. There’s a plug for Ming’s computer. Lots of people, lots of movement. I have had a headache for days, off and on, and I need to take a lot of breaks today. Last night was fun. I ran into someone… Read More »
I am at a Starbucks in Las Vegas because our internet shut off at the NDE house. We were late paying our bill, and they canceled our account. Anyway, I am listening to crappy easy listening music and sipping some ice water. This morning we served the hungry and washed dishes. We were doing the… Read More »
Hard to drink enough in the desert in the summertime. This morning we fed the hungry and skipped dishes to go for a walk but ended up having a dance party instead. It was good. We peace vigiled from 9 to almost 10–we left early because I was delirious.
bad joke
This morning we did Las Vegas things: served the hungry, talked to friends, washed dishes at the Catholic Worker house. We got there early and heard prayer. Our loved friend M showed us the psalm he’s been reading. He wants a copy of the vegan cookzine. Unfortunately, we didn’t bring any. I will send him… Read More »
Robbie’s garden bed bed

midnight driving
We are safe in Las Vegas. We ended up leaving Sacramento at 11:40 rather than 2 am. Ming’s arms hurt. So we got here earlier. BOB behaved itself wonderfully. I grocery shopped, and we have nice foods. We did laundry, which is hanging on the line. Drank tea, keeping cool. Our verdict: midnight driving is… Read More »
good mail day
Today I got some good mail, three good mails. The letters nourish me. One’s from someone who’s in solitary. We leave on our trip tomorrow morning at 2. Pray for us! Or send us a good wish or whatever. Thanks. I made myself a new necklace. It’s made of green, blue, and purple wooden beads. … Read More »