We went to Berkeley yesterday to photocopy and were too late–the shop was closed–and it was very sad. In other news, someone on freecycle was giving away a giant gummy worm.
Month: July 2011
I seem to have lost Meat Is Murder, which has “Meat Is Murder” on it, a song I hate listening to but which I think is really important, and I want to put it on a cd for A. I guess I could pay a dollar and download it from Amazon. Maybe I’ll do that.… Read More »
Today Erik’s at the REI used gear sale looking for backpacking stuff. I’m home–I addressed envelopes for the next functionally ill, which is done and I just need to photocopy it. I wish I’d already done that and could bind right now. But I have a manuscript to proofread. Sad faces.
Turns out p was taken, so I wrote that essay Post Office for nothing! But I asked for b and wrote an essay called Babies. Erik likes Babies better than Post Office, so it’s all good. Maybe I should make my own alphabet zine?
Erik’s favorite dubbed line from Drunken Master: Well now, dumbhead, I suggest that you go clean shit. Erik’s other favorite line: Your kung fu is bullshit.
Erik: I want to sit. LM: I want to type. Erik: How long do you want to type? LM: Forever. Erik: Without intermissions? LM: Forever and ever. Erik: This is moving in the wrong direction. LM: And ever. Erik: So you’re going to stop sleeping.
Today I phoned a friend I had never talked to on the phone before. It was fantastic. I got to talk about all my most important things. I felt so listened to and loved. If you’re reading, N–thank you for a beautiful phonecall. Otherwise, not much is going on at Chez Erik et Laura-Marie. Erik’s… Read More »
functionally ill 10
I’m working hard on functionally ill 10 and hope to be done with the writing within the next few weeks.
For so long I wanted to make vegan drunken noodles. This morning at the big farmers market under the overpass, I found some Thai basil, so I knew today was the day. http://lazysmurf.wordpress.com/2009/07/15/pad-kee-mao-drunken-vegan-noodles/ It turned out really good but didn’t taste like at the restaurant. I cooked the bell pepper a little too long–I should… Read More »

I got this postcard in the mail the other day and fell in love with the phone woman.