that Elephant closed.
Month: February 2009
jumbled list
1. I put in earrings after not wearing any for months. It didn’t take too long. 2. The puja food included jalebi, which is a strange dessert that’s kind of rubbery and very orange. I like it. There was also some carrot halwa that had too many raisins in it. 3. Went to mental health… Read More »
Ramakrishna puja

Tonight was Ramakrishna puja.
green rooibos
Erik got a box today too. He ordered some green rooibos, impossible to find in Sacramento. We know where to get it in Berkeley (Elephant Pharmacy), but they’ve been out the last two times we’ve checked. He’s happy he gets to drink some tonight when he gets home from work.
sugar rush
It all began with a craving for vegan marshmallows. It led to a purchase from Cosmo’s Vegan Shoppe. And today my package arrived! I knew it was supposed to arrive today, so I waited for the knock of the UPS delivery person. Finally it came. The box was hard to open. Everything was well-packed and… Read More »
Today I made the vegan coconut carrot rice pudding from Vegan Lunch Box. I don’t actually have Vegan Lunch Box–I used to have it out from the library, but I returned it long ago. I happened to find the recipe online, after some searching. So I made it for us for dinner, and we weren’t… Read More »
I got these walnuts from Trader Joe’s that are already broken up so it’s very convenient when I want to bake something. The other day I baked some pumpkin carob chip cookies, and they turned out as tasty as always. Last night I read Ghost World, and today I gave it four out of five… Read More »
fava beans
Tonight I got two pounds of fava beans through freecycle. I had been looking for fava beans and was about to order some online because I couldn’t find any at the co-op or Whole Foods. But then today there was this offer on freecycle, and I was the lucky winner. So I’ll make some ful.
picture introduction
Here are some pictures Erik took on his hike today.
witch’s butter with spiders