Dangerous Compassions

small crow

Today at the park I saw a cute little crow. It was the smallest crow I’d ever seen.

Dangerous Compassions

lunch, more work, collage cover

Lunch with M was fun though odd. Someone who was one of the closest people to me for five formative years and then off and on for longer and then nothing at all for six years–seeing her again was sort of a shock. But we did great. Park, Indian food, tea. I was looking forward… Read More »

Dangerous Compassions

reason x that being vegan is great

You don’t have to worry about breaking the eggs.

Dangerous Compassions

new again

I just finished addressing all the envelopes for fi 7–I’m afraid the permanent marker I use makes me feel dizzy and weird because I feel dizzy and weird and did last night too when I was working on it. About 60 go out in the mail initially, a handful get hand-delivered locally, and lots go… Read More »

Dangerous Compassions

trouble solved

Erik’s having trouble with his computer. Or maybe the router? I have internet just fine, but he doesn’t. It’s really a pain for him. Meanwhile, scoring is supposed to go through Tuesday, so he really needs to be able to do that. I guess he can use mine. The neighbors have set up camp on… Read More »

Dangerous Compassions

day 10

Sometimes I get too excited and need to go for a walk. That’s what happened this morning after listening to the podcast reviewing functionally ill 6. Did you hear it? I nearly cried. Erik and I went to our closest park, and I walked through neighborhoods while Erik wrote poems by the creek. Then I… Read More »

Dangerous Compassions

fi review

Here’s a podcast review of functionally ill 6. It’s done by A World Beyond Capitalism Team Radio.

Functionally ill

podcast review

Functionally ill

fi 7 text done, got cover

Last night Erik read functionally ill‘s text and loves it, and my friend is sending me a collage she made for a cover. I’ll copy it next week and send it out the next.

Dangerous Compassions

oh yeah

And a library in Washington contacted me wanting to get functionally ills. That always makes me feel good. She’s going to send postage money too.