Dangerous Compassions

small craft advisory

“Hey, it’s supposed to rain all day!  There’s a small craft advisory!” I told Ming.  “It’s supposed to rain till 7!” We are house sitting on the coast for a Quaker we previously didn’t know.  We’re caring for her gardens. It’s so quiet and amazing here.  I slept great–I love it. But I’m afraid Ming… Read More »

Dangerous Compassions


Hello, reader.  How are you doing?  My housemate was telling me a story in the kitchen.  We were cooking our last dinner together before they left our community. When someone’s telling me a story, I like to interrupt them.  I say–wait, wait.  Can I guess what’s going to happen? It’s a bad habit.  May be… Read More »

Dangerous Compassions

activist relationships

Hello, reader.  How are you?  Are you curious about activist relationships?  I define activist as anyone who has a vision for a better world and works toward it. ask Ming “How would you define activist?” I asked Ming. “Motivated by a cause,” said Ming.  “Someone who takes action, for a cause?  I dunno–seems like there… Read More »

Dangerous Compassions

clearing my chakras

Hello, reader.  How are you doing?  I needed help clearing my chakras–two chakras in particular: heart and root.  A while back, I asked for help from someone who turned out to be bad news for me, and it never happened. Then I asked Ming and a couple other friends.  My dear housemate friend said yes,… Read More »

Dangerous Compassions

how to initiate touch

Gmorning, reader.  How are you doing?  I’ve been thinking about how to initiate touch. Touch is a big deal.  We’re mammals– touch is central to our socializing.  Can I give you a hug? get weird But people get weird about touch because of sex, feelings, boundaries, poor communication about intentions.  Then it can feel complicated… Read More »

Dangerous Compassions

pain and power

Hello, reader.  How are you doing?  Did you read my post about pain, a while back?  It includes a list poem.  I enjoyed thinking about my pain and cataloging it.  Afterward I remembered many pains that didn’t make it to the list.  And there’s something else I wanted to tell you about introception.  Also pain… Read More »

Dangerous Compassions

how to help someone not feel trapped

Hello, reader.  How’s it going?  I’ve been thinking about relationship a lot lately, and how to help someone not feel trapped. Trapped is one of the creepiest feelings.  When I was a kid, I lived trapped in my family of origin.  Then I was trapped in my first marriage in such a bad way. Feeling… Read More »

Dangerous Compassions

access needs

Hello, reader.  How you doing?  I was at a disability justice workshop, which I loved.  In a quiet moment, they asked us to list our access needs.  It was fun, and I wrote a lot. Reading over what I wrote, I notice three main categories.  I’d like to show my list to you. Maybe you… Read More »

Dangerous Compassions

driving game

Hello, reader.  How are you?  I thought of another driving game.  This post comes from an email to a friend.  Thank you for eavesdropping purposefully.  I hope you learn a fun thing to do with conversation, possibly in a car. driving game I helped you learn Situation Game that day we went to the lake. … Read More »

Dangerous Compassions

thank you for your kindness

Dear Ming, thank you for your kindness to me every day. Thank you for all the laundry you are doing for our family lately.  I know it’s a lot, especially when I’m on my period and menstruate on my shorts or the puppy pad.  Thank you for your kindness around all my bodily functions, your… Read More »