“Hey, it’s supposed to rain all day! There’s a small craft advisory!” I told Ming. “It’s supposed to rain till 7!” We are house sitting on the coast for a Quaker we previously didn’t know. We’re caring for her gardens. It’s so quiet and amazing here. I slept great–I love it. But I’m afraid Ming… Read More »
Month: August 2023
Hello, reader. How are you doing? My housemate was telling me a story in the kitchen. We were cooking our last dinner together before they left our community. When someone’s telling me a story, I like to interrupt them. I say–wait, wait. Can I guess what’s going to happen? It’s a bad habit. May be… Read More »
activist relationships
Hello, reader. How are you? Are you curious about activist relationships? I define activist as anyone who has a vision for a better world and works toward it. ask Ming “How would you define activist?” I asked Ming. “Motivated by a cause,” said Ming. “Someone who takes action, for a cause? I dunno–seems like there… Read More »
clearing my chakras
Hello, reader. How are you doing? I needed help clearing my chakras–two chakras in particular: heart and root. A while back, I asked for help from someone who turned out to be bad news for me, and it never happened. Then I asked Ming and a couple other friends. My dear housemate friend said yes,… Read More »
how to initiate touch
Gmorning, reader. How are you doing? I’ve been thinking about how to initiate touch. Touch is a big deal. We’re mammals– touch is central to our socializing. Can I give you a hug? get weird But people get weird about touch because of sex, feelings, boundaries, poor communication about intentions. Then it can feel complicated… Read More »
pain and power
Hello, reader. How are you doing? Did you read my post about pain, a while back? It includes a list poem. I enjoyed thinking about my pain and cataloging it. Afterward I remembered many pains that didn’t make it to the list. And there’s something else I wanted to tell you about introception. Also pain… Read More »
Hello, reader. How’s it going? I’ve been thinking about relationship a lot lately, and how to help someone not feel trapped. Trapped is one of the creepiest feelings. When I was a kid, I lived trapped in my family of origin. Then I was trapped in my first marriage in such a bad way. Feeling… Read More »
access needs
Hello, reader. How you doing? I was at a disability justice workshop, which I loved. In a quiet moment, they asked us to list our access needs. It was fun, and I wrote a lot. Reading over what I wrote, I notice three main categories. I’d like to show my list to you. Maybe you… Read More »
driving game
Hello, reader. How are you? I thought of another driving game. This post comes from an email to a friend. Thank you for eavesdropping purposefully. I hope you learn a fun thing to do with conversation, possibly in a car. driving game I helped you learn Situation Game that day we went to the lake. … Read More »
thank you for your kindness
Dear Ming, thank you for your kindness to me every day. Thank you for all the laundry you are doing for our family lately. I know it’s a lot, especially when I’m on my period and menstruate on my shorts or the puppy pad. Thank you for your kindness around all my bodily functions, your… Read More »