Dangerous Compassions

durga puja

This morning we’re having a breakfast dish previously unbeknownst to man: soy chorizo and eggs with cauliflour. It’s tasty. Necessity has been the mother of invention since we have no tortillas or bread for toast, so the veggie is being the carbohydrate for us. Thanks, veggie. Yesterday morning we weeded at Vedanta with P, which… Read More »

Dangerous Compassions

information wants to be free

Today I downloaded Firefox, and it’s working perfecty so far, and I couldn’t be happier. So now I can use my gmail accounts because I’m not getting that evil activeX error!

Dangerous Compassions


Today Erik is very happy because the two CDs he ordered from Asmatic Kitty arrived: Michigan and Illinoise by Sufjan Stevens. They sent us a sampler CD and a button too–how sweet. We went to the park this morning, and Erik memorized a Wallace Stevens poem while I wrote a letter to a new friend.… Read More »

Dangerous Compassions

super-awesome clouds Lots of lenticular like we used to see over the Sierras when we lived in Bishop, photo theirs.

Dangerous Compassions

wonderful susperstitous rumor

Erik told me the most wonderful Chinese rumor. Rabbits can call their owner’s name, and when the owner’s name is called he will die.

Dangerous Compassions

we’re still here

Yesterday my old friend S was in town, so we talked and went to Indian food and he bought us ice cream at the Dairy Queen and we talked and we talked. We were so happy to see him and hear about his interesting problems, like trying to figure out the best way to ship… Read More »

Dangerous Compassions


Lots of starlings in the mornings, making their cute little sounds like, “Pveee?” and “Tweereeee!” right outside the bedroom window, in the tree and hovering near the window–we’re trying to figure out if there’s a nest, or what’s attracting them to the spot. But Kitty meowed at them and seemed angry with us like, “There… Read More »

Dangerous Compassions


Yesterday I said, “Boo ya,” for the first time. It was spoken to Erik in reference to buying creamy peanut butter for my own apple-based purposes as opposed to the crunchy peanut butter he prefers. At the co-op. I’m working hard on Erik and Laura-Marie Magazine #39 and just about going crazy. I waited way… Read More »

Dangerous Compassions


lactation upon a sacred object

Dangerous Compassions

times they are a-changin’

This evening I went to a wonderful party in mid-town and played croquet with a friend I like very much and a new friend too, who seems to be Aristotelian and who advised me. Also, I sat in a camping chair and watched little boys whack things with mallets. And a cute little gray cat… Read More »