Dangerous Compassions


Today we stopped in San Leandro to see Ming’s mom before heading south. We ate breakfast together at Zolaco. It was good. I liked the bigness of the room.  Omg, Ming tells me this is probably my final post of the year.  I would say that 2015 was the best year of my life because… Read More »

Dangerous Compassions

leaf litter

Dangerous Compassions


Credit union parking lot this time!  Ming is trying to get a payable upon death form. Fun! Today we saw Swami. He talked with us for more than an hour in his office then invited us to stay for lunch. But we have a date with a tree collard.  But Swami loaded us up with… Read More »

Dangerous Compassions


Lately–parking lots. Now’s an auto parts store where Ming is getting a windshield ice scraper. It’s been below freezing here in the mornings. Las Vegas is as cold but dry.  So I don’t know if we’ll need it there. But I have hopes for snow. 

Dangerous Compassions

gmorning again

Today we see Ming’s mom and kids. It’s exciting!  We are in San Leandro right now.  Yesterday we saw old friends. Because I’m sick, one of the friends didn’t hug me. But the other friend did.  At starbux I got a free coffee because there wasn’t enough decaf to fill my cup.  Now I’m sitting… Read More »

Dangerous Compassions


Yesterday I had caffeine which kept me up last night. But it was fun.  Today we ordered a vegan chocolate cake, went for a walk, ate cookies, visited the farmers market, and grocery shopped.  In that order.  Soon we’ll lunch with our friend, the one whose birthday party brought us together. 

Dangerous Compassions

travel day

Almost to undisclosed vacation location numba two. I’m definitely sick with a cold but am otherwise of sound mind and body.  We went to a Japanese store looking for special meditation cushions for me, but they don’t have orange as an option. The closest they had was pencil yellow. I guess I’ll order online. 

Dangerous Compassions


I’ve used up all my spoons. The Lompoc Christmas party was not bad. I lived to tell the tale.  But I had enough Christmas. Till next year. 

Dangerous Compassions

Christmas win

Successfully decorated the tree while listening to the muppets Christmas album. 

Dangerous Compassions


I like blogging almost every single day since 2006. I like writing sometimes in my journal and prayer book. I like being almost vegan.  I don’t like being not really of color and not really white.  It’s okay being somewhat crazy–I’m mostly used to it.  Not really a driver tho I have a license. Not… Read More »