Dangerous Compassions


I was laying out functionally ill #4 and at some point realized that a 30 page zine is impossible. Oops. I need two more pages (or two less pages).

Dangerous Compassions

I’d dance if I had something to say

This morning I went to the park. A fly was biting me, so I stayed in the car and wrote a letter to my friend J in Chicago and talked on the phone with my best friend E. It was a different kind of morning. I watched a guy throw a ball and his dog… Read More »

Dangerous Compassions

weird chili

Today I wanted to make chili, so I did. But I forgot the tomatoes. Chili without tomatoes just doesn’t work for me. The other thing that made it weird was the mushrooms. I wanted fake meat in it, and I decided that mushrooms can be kind of like fake meat. But the mushrooms combined with… Read More »

Dangerous Compassions

birthday picture

In this picture, you can see the bag-bag.

Dangerous Compassions

my presents

My parents gave me many presents. My mom made me a beautiful brown shawl and matching hat. My mom also crocheted for me a bag made out of bags. This is the second one she’s made for me, and I love them. My parents also gave me a bunch of postcards and some stamps. And… Read More »

Dangerous Compassions


Today we scored CSET. I had a read-behind that wasn’t good. It was embarrassing, and I almost cried. Then I almost cried some more. By afternoon I felt mostly better but still on red alert in case of further reprimand, so my stress level was higher than usual. I decided I’m never going back. Now… Read More »

Dangerous Compassions

bad vegan

I feel better now and almost went to work at the bookstore. Erik and I are scoring CSET tomorrow, and I hope to be entirely well then. Today I’ve had a feeling of restlessness and dissatisfaction. But I wrote a letter to my new zine friend C–she writes poetry zines. She wrote me a long… Read More »

Dangerous Compassions


Erik is working the second day of a two-day job scoring in person, a test called West-B for the state of Washington that he had never scored before, and I’ve never scored it before. I guess they just changed the criteria for deciding who can score it. I’m sick–I have a cold. I woke up… Read More »

Dangerous Compassions

home safe

I had a fabulous birthday weekend with my parents. I also got to see my best friend E–we went to the park. Some highlights were enchiladas, cheesecake, apples, and beautiful crocheted warmnesses. The lowlight was slight car trouble: a malfunction light came on this morning, and I think we need to take our car to… Read More »

Dangerous Compassions

good mail day

I received Asylum Letters #0 and Calendar Girl #5. Today we worked an in-person job. My mind is still overwhelmed with too much social contact. Tomorrow after work we go on a journey. We plan to leave straight from work, so there are preparations to make this evening.