
We had this tape dispenser by the front door for a long time. Tonight I was cleaning out the basket. It says it’s supposed to be in the chapel. Do not remove. But the chapel here where we live, it’s a small room where people pray. Nobody does office work in there! So I told… Read More »
me: Has the sun come up yet? M: I dunno, let me check my phone.
My facebook friend posted this meme I found so offensive yet thought-provoking. It was advice to men on how to treat a woman. It went like this. *** As a man… Lead her spiritually. Challenge her intellectually. Encourage her emotionally. Protect her physically. Take care of her. *** I was like, puke. She doesn’t need… Read More »
Ming started this list a while back, super duper fun things to do in Las Vegas post. I’m cleaning it up and annotating it. It’s a work in progress! Check back for updates. in town Las Vegas attractions our house, the Nevada Desert Experience house We have a spare bike now, so let’s go for… Read More »
M: I wanna txt you more. me: You’re supposed to txt me when I’m not there, not when I am there! Weirdo! M: Maybe I don’t have the hang of it yet. The sun came up while we’re at the Panera in Barstow. Going home!
Mom gave me riches in the form of postage stamps, cash, costco gift cards, and Trader Joe’s gift cards. “I never want you to be hungry,” she said. I told her I wanted to play with the gift cards, but I didn’t want to be like Scrooge McDuck counting my money. Swimming in a swimming… Read More »
May all your gifts be well-received!