It works and it’s shiny. –M

It works and it’s shiny. –M
Today I affixed an Icarus Project sticker to my truck. Scatter sent it to me in the mail after I sent the latest functionally ill and a note and a dollar. I had one on the car that’s now Erik’s. I’m happy to have one on my truck as of today. I’m also happy about… Read More »
Our friend HW has a knitting night sometimes, and last night we went to one, our first time. Here’s M casting on. Here’s his first row. Sorry about the flash. Oh, and you can also see his beautiful awl. And here’s M poking holes in a buffalo leather strap he’s going to put on a… Read More »
Hello! Yesterday our neighbors made a new garden bed. Here’s a picture for you. They made just the frames, frames for two. I helped dig the area, just for 20 minutes, but I like that I had a hand in it.
This morning we went to the garden. We wanted to water the walking stick kale that we tried propagating. I took some pictures of sage flowers and cilantro flowers that didn’t turn out. But here’s an echinacea for you.
Yesterday M and I went to…some other part of Sacramento to the MLK Jr library to pick up a movie I wanted to see with him, Exit Through the Gift Shop, which we watched last night. I really enjoyed it for a second time, and M enjoyed it for the first. But while we were… Read More »
Do you care about my morning menu? If not, please skip this post! corn flakes mixed with some delicious granola orange slices strawberry yogurt mixed with fruit water Some people at my table had toast too, and I saw butter out, and some strange cinnamon sugar butter. Oh, and they gave me a pin with… Read More »
Not going to New York on Monday after all. Sadface!
This was my typewriter for a long time. My best friend E and I and her brother painted it, one day. I loved this typewriter, but it was time to let it go.
This morning we went on a long walk. We walked past the co-op, past K’s house, all the way to Sutter’s Fort. Then we got smoothies. It was fun. But I forgot my camera–sorry. Then we went to M’s old place. We washed two water bottles in the dishwasher and packed up the truck. I… Read More »