Dangerous Compassions

our Berkeley day

This morning when we woke up we were trying to figure out what to do today. I wanted to make some photocopies because I was running low on a couple zines that were reviewed in Zine World 30 so I’m getting orders for them. So we went to Berkeley. On the way we stopped at… Read More »

Dangerous Compassions


The pilot keeps going out, and I relight it with matches. Last night when we got home, it was 54 in our apartment. During the night the pilot went out, and it was 54 again when we woke up this morning. Last night we went to vegan Indian food with our friend A. It was… Read More »

Dangerous Compassions

disability zines exhibit

Disability Zines Exhibit, originally uploaded by Barnard Library Zine Collection. Functionally ill was featured in this blog exhibit.

Functionally ill

from the Barnard zine exhibit

Functionally ill

Barnard zine exhibit

Functionally ill was featured in this disabilities zine exhibit at Barnard.

Dangerous Compassions

that’s what neighbors are for

There was a knock at the door. I answered. “Do you have a wrench?” the neighbor boy asked, showing me his skateboard. “Let me see,” I said, and I went to the toolbox, grabbing a monkey wrench, which I figured could be adjusted to fit anything. “This?” I asked. He said no. He pointed to… Read More »

Dangerous Compassions

Mandarin duck

We saw a strange duck at McKinley Park. I remembered our friend P saying there was something rare or unusual around. So we saw this duck–it looked a little like a wood duck. Anyway, I googled “strange duck mckinley park” and came up with Mandarin duck! And that was the duck.

Dangerous Compassions

we now return

We were where my parents live–we got home this afternoon. We stopped in San Jose for Indian food–it was good. Now it’s getting dusky outside, and Kitty howls.

Dangerous Compassions


Last night I job searched and it sucked. I didn’t find the kind of thing I was looking for. I found a bunch of jobs that I was somewhat qualified for that would probably make me miserable. And a bunch of jobs I’m not qualified for that would probably make me miserable. I’ll try gain… Read More »

Dangerous Compassions


Last night was a birthday dinner for my friend H. It was me, her, her boyfriend, and her two housemates. I had met the housemates before only briefly. It went really well. Also yesterday I saw my friend P at her assisted living facility. We had a good talk and nice hugs. Yesterday I bought… Read More »