Hello, I’m Laura-Marie, a fat person in Las Vegas, Nevada. I make many zines, including fat liberation zines.
One zine is a special treehouse for fat people, and there are two issues.
The other is called Trike Diaries. There are two issues of that one also. Trike Diaries is not just about fatness, but it’s a lot about fatness, with a trike lens.
I’m up for trades. Please email me to set up a trade at robotmad at gmail dot com.
If you’d like to order zines, my spouse Ming would be happy to help you. Three dollars per zine seems right, and a dollar or two for shipping. Please email Ming at minglaipeace at protonmail dot com with your mailing address, and we’ll get zines to you soon.
Thank you for loving fat liberation zines and for propagating liberation, compassion, and truth. Thank you for supporting independent media and outsider art.
Laura-Marie River Victor Peace Nopales
fat trikewitch extraordinaire