Last night was the meeting of my women’s writers group. We sat on H’s porch with candles. It was beautiful. I was feeling shy and didn’t talk very much. I wrote about February. Yesterday in the morning I met my new friend J for the first time. She and I discussed starting an Icarus group… Read More »
Month: February 2008
new hat
beautiful beautiful
Today we came home from our trip. Kitty was fine in our absence. Tonight I wrote back to some people and did my DBT homework. Erik is out seeing some documentaries about Palestine. I’m wearing the beautiful hat and scarf my mom crocheted for me during our visit.
This morning we’re going on a trip to Santa Maria. I made some cornmeal blueberry pancakes for breakfast, and they were really good. What was I going to tell you? Oh, I laid out the zine last night, but then when Erik got home from hiking, he proofread for me and found a bunch of… Read More »
20080221 Arriving at Sky Trail, originally uploaded by tspauld. Here’s Erik’s friend T’s picture of Erik hiking today.
Old Pine Trail
Old Pine Trail, originally uploaded by ELund.
purple flower

Here’s a picture Erik thinks isn’t good enough to upload to his flickr account.
Yesterday Erik noticed that one of our tires on the Honda was down to wire. So we went to the tire shop around the corner for four new tires. We only needed three, but they had a deal, and four was actually cheaper than three. I hate those deals and wish they just had fair… Read More »
I cooked up a double batch of broccoli soup this evening. Erik cut his finger while chopping the onions. Then I baked some pumpkin carob chip cookies and finished issue 43 of the perzine. For reals finished this time. Now I need to lay it out and copy it and bind it.
mental health
A new friend J and I are talking about starting an Icarus project group here in Sacramento. She and I are set to meet on Thursday. I’m really excited about this. We’re going to talk about how to get the word out. Meanwhile, I feel as negative about DBT as ever. The p-doc Saturday was… Read More »