Dangerous Compassions

how to make soy curls taste delicious

Hello, reader.  How are you doing?  Do you have wonderful foods to eat?  I want to tell you how to make soy curls taste delicious. Well, I was given a large quantity of soy curls to cook for Food Not Bombs.  With trial and error, I discovered a wonderful way to turn something boring into… Read More »

Dangerous Compassions

delicious foods lately

Hello, how are you doing?  Are you eating delicious foods lately?  I would like to show you some of our delicious foods lately. pinquinto beans Beans were my first solid food.  “That baby needs some beans!” my nana said.  Beans taste like love.  Here are some multi-step beans. On my birthday, I cooked some pinquito… Read More »

Dangerous Compassions

spicy crunchy garlic tofu

Hey, guess what?  I made some spicy crunchy garlic tofu.  Wow, it was Korean, vegan, and delicious. Let me tell you how it came about.   I semi-accidentally watched a cooking video on youtube.  Recipe looked delicious and very possible to make.  Lately I’m studying Korean language a lil bit, and google gods or youtube gods… Read More »

Dangerous Compassions

birthday person

Yesterday was Ming’s birthday party.  He’s a birthday person!  I’d had around three hours of sleep and was emotional and having a hard time doing anything. Sleep has moved from a second tier problem to a first tier problem.  So I would like to throw it off a pier.  Chuck it like a starfish!  But… Read More »

Dangerous Compassions

how I make zines

Today I laid out Please Pass the Plants #2: vegan cookzine for disabled eating.  It comes out 12 years after the first one, I’m estimating.  At least ten years. I like it because I really love these recipes, and the drawings have heart as well.  The ways it surprises me are delightful.  Things I didn’t… Read More »

Dangerous Compassions

basil bride

Hey, guess what.  Me and pesto are getting married.  Here’s me as basil bride. Amaranth towers behind me.  Blue-leaved cruciferous veg is small and will grow into delicious foods.  This is in front of the Las Vegas Catholic Worker, part of the garden. I keep stems of basil in a mason jar on the counter,… Read More »

Dangerous Compassions

disabled eating

Hey, I have a new zine coming out soon.  Please Pass the Plants #2: a vegan cookzine for disabled eating. I did some art, felt good–I thought I had a draft done yesterday, then added a little essay about how a knockoff instapot changed my life, and then a little essay about how to make… Read More »