Dangerous Compassions

what I need from a doctor

Hello, reader.  How are you doing?  Trying to be responsible, I’m seeking medical care and dental care.  I’m trying a new Nurse Practitioner after a bad experience with the last one.  Today I’m thinking about what I need from a doctor. I’ve had decades of medical trauma.  Previously I’d preferred to be shot, over going… Read More »

Dangerous Compassions

against diagnosis

Hello, reader.  How are you doing?  I’m not really against diagnosis.  But sometimes I’m annoyed at how my friends seek diagnosis as validation. Why is the opinion of a doctor so important?  You’re a valid person, no matter what a doctor says or doesn’t say.  Please don’t give those gatekeeping enforcers more power than they… Read More »

Dangerous Compassions

problem solving physical therapy

Hello, reader!  How are you?  Do you have pain and / or reduced functionality of your body?  Lately I’m problem solving physical therapy. I have a very hard time inhabiting and moving my body in an intentional way, especially around people I don’t know well.  Right now I’m on my third physical therapist, and all… Read More »

Dangerous Compassions


Hello, reader.  How are you doing?  I’ve been sad that my lower back, ass, and thighs are in so much pain lately.  They are carrying so much trauma–that whole area.  So large and solid physically: sacred. I wish my ass was a source of safety.  It’s like my ass missed its destiny, which is depressing. … Read More »

Dangerous Compassions

how to yell

Hello, reader.  How are you doing?  I like to go to a special place by some elk to express grief, rage, and any feelings that have been too long stuck in my body.  So glad I know how to yell. elk Last year I was upset about an emotional situation.  My suffering was tied in… Read More »

Dangerous Compassions

trauma-informed physical therapy

Trauma-informed physical therapy could help many people.  I tried PT at a local place with great reviews and struggled to the point that I stopped going. It was easy to identify that the physical therapist touched me in ways that were supposed to reassure me, but just made me more anxious.  I worked up the… Read More »

Dangerous Compassions

wound healing

Hello, reader.  How you doing?  There’s a sign that says “Wound Healing” near a local hospital in Springfield.  A place that specializes in healing wounds. Every time I see that sign, I imagine showing up to ask for help. “Please help me–I can’t heal these wounds on my own,” I say. So many times I’ve… Read More »

Dangerous Compassions

death trauma

Hello, reader.  How are you doing?  Do you have death trauma? I notice three main paths. We can ignore death, like fools! We can get deep into it–we can become death dulas, plan out how we want our bodies composted, and make peace with death through religion and/or preparation. Or the choice of me and… Read More »

Dangerous Compassions

slut feelings

I’ve been doing non-monogamy since I was a teenager.  It’s been 30 years.  Yes, circa 1992, I began doing it with multi-folks and falling in love left and right, with all genders of people.  So I’m familiar with slut feelings. Mostly slut feelings for me are about overwhelm and guilt.  Slut feelings are not relaxing. … Read More »

Dangerous Compassions

trauma as excuse

Trauma as excuse is a problem I see all the time.  I do radical mental health and encounter many, many crazy people–I love crazy people such as myself.  Especially the brilliant, creative ones.  How we talk about our traumas and use them socially affects everything. trauma as excuse I notice some people have a horrific… Read More »