Dangerous Compassions

just a letter

This is just a letter, a thank you note.  Happy Interdependence Day. showing up I’m proud of you for showing up.  It’s not always easy to arrive when you’re anxious, vulnerable, misunderstood, and need to expend a lot of energy to endure the sensory issues and social differences.  I like that you know how to… Read More »

Dangerous Compassions

dosing myself with gratitude

I enjoy revisioning malt-o-meal as pudding, so I can eat it any time of day. My radish microgreens grew thick and faster than expected! 3. Ming ziptied the basket to my trike yesterday, so now it’ll be easier to transport an energy shot for him. (I had been carrying it in a little crocheted bag,… Read More »

Dangerous Compassions

happy inter-dependence day from a fat badass

“Who the hell sets off fireworks at 5:20 in the morning?” I asked. “Seems an awkward time.” I was making potatoes. I washed the organic potatoes Ming bought for me, diced them with the big knife on the white plastic cutting board, plopped them into the wok with olive oil, the heat on as high… Read More »