Hello, reader. How are you doing? Do you like disabled comedy? I hear comedy about race and fatness. But disabled comedy is my new favorite. I recently heard Tina Friml for the first time. The first performance I heard, I cried through the whole thing. Why did I cry? I found it moving; I relate… Read More »
Tag: disabiity
gender these days
Hey, reader. How are you doing? How’s your gender these days? Do you feel empowered to be who you are, as more people are out as trans? I do! I feel binary gender break down a bit more, and I need that. Yes, there is danger from conservative people, and it hurts to see queers… Read More »
to feel safe
Hey, reader. How are you? I made a list for my friend of all the things she does that help me feel safe. I thought there were just a few things. But once I started working on the list, it got longer and longer. Wow–so many ways. But the list is particular to her. I… Read More »
health anxiety
Hello–how are you doing? I have a lot of anxiety, including social anxiety. A weird thing about me is I worry about the past. But one of the worst anxieties for me is health anxiety. It’s tied into family pain and fear of death, which can be incapacitating. The way I frame my own experiences… Read More »
empathy disability
Hello, reader. How are you today? I’ve been thinking about empathy disability. I keep blogging about that disability justice fat liberation skillshare I led for my community, here in Kalapuya land. The skillshare meant a lot to me and stirred up big thoughts and feelings. I was so vulnerable to people I know so newly.… Read More »