Dangerous Compassions

needing pesto

I didn’t know I was addicted to chocolate until I stopped eating it.  I knew I ate it almost every day, but I didn’t know I needed to! Every year during Sacred Peace Walk time, I would stockpile chocolate. Guess I should have known then that I was relying on it.  What helpful comfort. Chocolate… Read More »

Dangerous Compassions

true confession of Laura-Marie River Victor Peace

Reader Friend, there’s something I haven’t been telling you–I must confess.  I changed what I eat, a lot.  It has to do with an obscure health issue I may or may not have. luxury healthcare Ideally everyone would enjoy great healthcare, regardless of income level or employment.  Especially a country rich with innovation, oil, “freedom,”… Read More »

Dangerous Compassions

I love you, tree

“Man, that’s the best ice cream,” I told Ming on our trike ride. “It’s ice cream’s ice cream. When ice cream goes to the ice cream shop, that’s what it orders.” I was talking about the chocolate ice cream from Trader Joe’s, velvety like fudgesicles. He’s out watering the garden. When we got home, I… Read More »