Dangerous Compassions

caring for my body

I have a deal with my body–I give her some basic things, and she gives me the ability to function.  Before, I thought that caring for my body was a waste of time, a tedious chore.  I wanted to do the minimum. Now I understand that caring for my body is a sacred pleasure, and… Read More »

Dangerous Compassions


I think my swami told this strawberries story. Someone is on a cliffside, and they have slipped.  They have no way to climb up, and slipping down is too far and means certain death.  So they’re holding on to a branch, and their arms can only hold on a few more seconds.  As they realize… Read More »

Dangerous Compassions

dear body

Dear body, I have written to you so many times, but this letter is overdue.  I love you unconditionally and will do whatever I can for you.  The world tells me you’re wrong, but I know you’re right.  You are unconditionally beautiful, and I honor you.  It doesn’t matter what anyone else says. Lately I… Read More »

Dangerous Compassions


Hey, I’ve been thinking about nipples.  Mostly my own, but other people’s nipples too.  Bodies, social norms, different kinds of comfort.  Physical comfort and emotional comfort can be opposite. Bras have always hurt me, but being stared at by lascivious men hurt me more.  So I chose the physical discomfort of bras over the pain… Read More »

Dangerous Compassions

you can’t make me hate you

I have friends, and I love them. Can you blame me? What is life for, if not to love? Mother God gave me this wild brain and active body. It has hormones and feelings. I’m a mammal. I reach for other mammals, to hold them in my arms and against my body, to kiss and… Read More »