Dangerous Compassions


Hello, reader.  How are you doing?  I’m in a lot of pain.  My neck and shoulders are in so much pain, maybe I shouldn’t be typing.  But I want to talk with you about mothballing. I used the word mothballing with my good friend yesterday, and they seemed unfamiliar with the term.  They are a… Read More »

Dangerous Compassions


I used to say I did not especially like trains.  Well, that was never true.  I’m thinking way back.  Waaaay back. Yes, I could not help feeling excited.  How the trains flowed like water.  The excitement of the ding ding ding–the way a train’s passing lasted a certain amount of time.  The colors of the… Read More »

Dangerous Compassions

birthday person

Yesterday was Ming’s birthday party.  He’s a birthday person!  I’d had around three hours of sleep and was emotional and having a hard time doing anything. Sleep has moved from a second tier problem to a first tier problem.  So I would like to throw it off a pier.  Chuck it like a starfish!  But… Read More »

Dangerous Compassions

dumpster anarchist

We were talking about Snoopy.  “He hangs out on top of a dog house, is a writer, pretends he’s flying a plane, and has a yellow bird friend Woodstock.  That’s all I know,” I said.  “Is that all there is, to know?” Ming said something about the plane. “It’s a tri-plane?” I asked.  “It’s a… Read More »