Dangerous Compassions

all amaranth, all the time

Woe betide the human who doth love me, made to pose with amaranth, till death by vibrant sidewalk flower. Yeah, where did that come from.  A previous century, I guess.  All amaranth, all the time.  Is it overwhelmingly beautiful, or is it just me? “Would you kneel down right there?  That’s a bend, not a… Read More »

Dangerous Compassions

ancestor bird

My stomach hurt, and I hadn’t eaten anything weird or new.  I have these pills with enzymes in them, that I can take.  So I took one and did some stretches I like. I tip a little, to each side, as I stretch.  My fundus is where my ulcer was / is, which is a… Read More »

Dangerous Compassions


I enjoy making a hashtag that’s new. Today I hashtagged #amaranthisforlovers on instagram, and it gave me a thrill. I ordered yerba buena from a special plant nursery in the Bay Area, a favorite plant of mine. It arrived yesterday. It smells amazing. The smell is perfect. I like it for tea. But the ones… Read More »