Dangerous Compassions

fiber jokes

fiber jokes

Hello, reader.  How are you doing?  Fiber jokes can be a safe way to get out excess craft energy and family pain.  Thank you to Ming for keeping it real about fiber.  My darling is always ready to joke with me.


“I’m going to wear the blue knitted hat,” Ming said.

“Oh my god,” I replied.  “That hat is not knitted.  That hat is crocheted.”

“Oh,” Ming said.

“How dare you think my mom was a knitter,” I said.  “You may not speak about my mom that way!”

We giggled as I pretend-chastised Ming.  Mama made some good scarves and hats for us.

“Never speak that way about my family,” I continued.  “You insult me, you insult my family, and you insult my ancestors.”

Yes, it was over the top, like Ming wears a blue crocheted hat over the top of their head.


“What does mf stand for?” Ming asked.

On my fabric scissors I wrote a sentence in extra-fine sharpie: Fabric only mf.

“Motherfucker,” I said.

“Multi-fabric?” Ming asked.

“No, it stands for motherfucker,” I said.

“Microfiber?” Ming asked.

“Motherfucker,” I said.

There was more giggling.


My dear one gave me this small embroidery hoop.  I thought of what to make.  It came from a sacred place I love, so I thought I should return the embroidery hoop to that place with a gift embroidered in it.

I considered a mandala.  Then I thought about a pentagram to represent the tarot card Ace of Pentagrams which matters to me a lot lately.


Then I made this plantarchy sign.  I enjoyed creating it using my intuition and some orange and peach combined with a beigey-tan to make the branches that form the symbol.  Orange is my favorite color.

It’s the sort of thing I could keep working on indefinitely.  But it felt relaxing to decide I was done and stop.  Yes, I could add leaves, flowers, spider webs, fruits, my initials.  But I like it just how it is.  If I want fruits, flowers, leaves, webs, I could embroider other plantarchy symbols another day.

thank you

Of course Mama could knit.  But the hook is what made sense to her.  To some people, it’s all the same.  To others it’s very important.

Thank you for enjoying my fiber jokes.  I hope you have all the banter, pretending, art, and love you need.

By Laura-Marie

Good at listening to the noise until it makes sense.

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