Dangerous Compassions


Hello, reader.  How are you doing?  I’m providing the link to financially support the family of my activist friend who recently died.  In case you would like to share or contribute, the link is here.

Thank you for holding them in your heart, if only for a moment.

The world is full of suffering, but the world is also filled with beauty and love.  We can do better than isolation.  Love is real.


Also I’d like to share with you my linktree.  Maybe you like reading my blog, but would also like to hear an interview or see other projects I do.  That’s here.

Thank you to the persons who donated to support me at my Venmo.  That’s encouraging and helps me feel cared for and stronger.


Ming and I want more travel in our lives.  Especially road trips–we love having new experiences together.

It’s hard to travel with autism, chronic pain, and other differences and disabilities.  But travel is good for learning–it’s one of my favorite ways to learn.  No cap–I am blissed out by learning.  Learning is like a drug for me, but hopefully it doesn’t have bad side effects.

Recently we took a quick trip to Portland, staying overnight at the ADU of a friend for the first time.  Then we came home via the coast.  We saw parts of the coast we had never seen before–so exciting!  Here’s me yesterday at Depoe Bay.

at the beach

Tofu with salad dressing is my new protein-filled grocery store lunch.

I’m grateful for the sunshine, grateful for a trustworthy car Cabin in the Woods.  Oregon is a wild state.  Grateful for friends, and grateful for the shroom-loving hippies I met who gave me a new take on myself.


“Are you paranoid schizophrenic?” the hippie asked.  I had mentioned that I hear voices all my life.

“Eh, maybe I’ve been told something like that,” I said.

“I don’t like labels,” he said.

Then he told me that I’m a visionary, I have a gift, and no one can comprehend my knowledge.  If I had thirty pieces of paper, I couldn’t write down all that I saw.  He said he would like to interview me while I was experiencing a different take on reality.

It’s fun to be aggrandized, but it was also confusing.  The universe is giving me some unusual messages lately.  Maybe I’m special and good somehow after all.

And this blog is a lot more than thirty pieces of paper where I’m trying to share my knowledge.


The other hippie was tending a fire.  Something about how she built the fire was very beautiful.  I gave her $20 and said, “Good luck with your van.”

She urged me to take a necklace she had made–a wire-wrapped agate.  But her art was worth so much more than $20.  Instead I took the experience to share with you.  I thank Mother God for this strange life.


By Laura-Marie

Good at listening to the noise until it makes sense.

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