Dangerous Compassions

starlight back

starlight back

Hello, reader–how are you doing?  I believe in Land Back.  It’s one of the big ideas of my life these days, so I made this list-art about it.  The art includes an idea I’ve been thinking about a lot lately, which is Starlight Back.


What do you need to heal?  I need clean water, tons of love, touch, learning, clean air, delicious foods.  Also I need earth energies, faith, rest, and to have a stable family and feel like I’m held by some people.  Like at least a few people love me and would help me if I really needed help.

Starlight is a special faint light that feels like powerful medicine.  Starlight is individually tiny but has a big effect emotionally.  I need to go somewhere wild and look at the sky on a clear night.  I need the starlight to touch me and help me feel better about my place on earth and my role as an animal.

Sunlight is healing too in a big way, and I need it to go on my skin.  I wish to take off as much clothes as I can and get the sunlight on all of me as warmth, vitamin D help, and magic.

I understand the sun is a star, but it feels very different from the other stars.  Starlight only needs to go in my eyes.  It can be cold out, and I’m bundled up.  I don’t need to take off my clothes and bathe in starlight.  It’s so powerful it only needs to go in my eyes.

the experience

I can look at constellations, if I’m lucky I can see the milky way, I can check out planets like Venus that look kind of like stars, I can feel the overall tone of the sky.  I can remember how it felt previous times, to look at the stars, and ponder if the experience now is much different from when I was a kid.

People can have telescopes, consider the moon, point out the north star, and ponder constellations I never learned.  I do think of my darling guru John Dobson and his work.  But mostly I don’t need props.  I just need a jacket so I can stay warm and some quiet as I gaze.

Yes, I need more starlight in my life.  We should go out camping.  Traditionally I see lots of stars when I need to leave my tent in order to pee.  Looking at stars while we pee is a classic human thing, right?  I think of Death Valley and all the time I spent there when I was young.


But my point about the starlight besides medicine and pleasure is justice.  Starlight was taken from us.  Industrial buildup and light pollution mean commerce is the most important thing.  Capitalism rules, not healing.  Our actual animal needs are only respected if they can be sold.  The can’t sell starlight to us.  It’s free.  So it’s irrelevant in our modern society.

My doctor can prescribe me pills for anxiety if I ask for them, and rich people somewhere get richer for that.  But my doctor can’t prescribe me starlight, which would probably help my anxiety more than anything.

But it’s it pretty to imagine a little pill bottle of starlight.  Wow, those pills would be beautiful.


It’s not ok with me that clean air has been taken from us, clean water, animals who belong here, and the forests.  Those were not for rich people to get richer.  Those are for our healing, health, and well-being.  Priorities are fucked.

That clean air was for me and my niblings and grand-niblings.  It wasn’t for a rich person to take away.  Something was stolen.  Call the cops, the fire department, the national guard; it’s an emergency.  The most important things were stolen from millions of people.  Our very health and well-being were stolen from us.  Why am I supposed to act normal and chill about that?  I feel the opposite of chill.

Starlight isn’t optional.  But apparently I’m a wacko for needing it.  I’m an environmental extremist for needing the basics of life.

Well, goodbye.  I’m done person-ing.  I need to go wild and live in a way that I see starlight every clear night.  Mother God gave that gift to me.  You know how sometimes a gift can contain a responsibility.

how I learned it

Lately I’ve learned a little about native foods in this area which helped inspire this art-list.  Please consider watching this lecture with David Lewis.  It blew my mind in a way I need.

By Laura-Marie

Good at listening to the noise until it makes sense.

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