Dangerous Compassions

more travel

Hello, reader.  How are you doing?  Last time I pulled tarot cards, I asked Spirit what Ming and I need.  My relationship with Ming is the most important relationship in my life.  So I pull cards asking how I can be kind to him and help him get what he needs.  Most recently I asked… Read More »

Dangerous Compassions

relationship smorgasbord

Hello, reader.  How are you doing?  When I was getting close to a then-girlfriend a couple years ago, she brought up the idea of relationship smorgasbord.  We could conceive of our relationship as many delicious dishes laid out before us, and we get to choose what we want. Correct!  We don’t need to have close… Read More »

Dangerous Compassions


Hello, reader.  How are you doing?  There was a protest here in Eugene for homelessness justice.  Lately a lot of local unhoused people are getting serious inappropriate consequences from the police. The sweeps are brutal.  It’s heartbreaking.  I was thinking about signs I can make.  Ming and I brainstormed together. ideas list Housing Is a… Read More »

Dangerous Compassions

aftercare is sacred

It’s beautiful, and it’s how I want to live, but it’s scary to be vulnerable to other people.  My heart’s open so wide.  I need to be vulnerable because that’s part of love and why I’m on earth.  But afterward, I’m insecure.  Was that ok?  Did it really happen?  Did it matter to the other… Read More »

Dangerous Compassions


Hello, reader.  How are you doing?  I am adjusting to home after a transformative trip I took with my friend. When I got home, I had a big My Life Is All Wrong attack.  It wasn’t PMS time, the classic My Life Is All Wrong time.  I was just shaken up. The freedom I felt… Read More »

Dangerous Compassions

how jewelry works

Hello, reader.  How are you doing?  The other day when I was on that road trip with my good friend, we talked about how jewelry works. Of course it could just be pretty or show some sparkle.  It could express class, values, interests, or aesthetic.  But my main thought about how jewelry works concerns energy.… Read More »

Dangerous Compassions

service tops redux

Hello, reader.  How’re you?  This is service tops redux. I wrote a post last summer called “the difference between a service top and a service sub.”  That post has received more comments than most of my posts.  So the ideas might be important or provocative to their intended audience. Recently a helpful commenter suggested I… Read More »

Dangerous Compassions


Hello, reader.  How’ve you been?  I think about AI in communication and modern war.   I thought modern war would devolve to “our robots fight their robots.”  Looks like I was incorrect– war is still killing living, breathing, bleeding people.  Yikes. the 1990s AI has interested me since I was a teenager in the 1990s, studying… Read More »

Dangerous Compassions


Hello, reader.  How are you?  I love foraging.  It brings together my favorite things: free food, intimacy with plants, and nature time. Sometimes I don’t feel empowered, or what if I make a mistake?  To mitigate that, I feel braver with a buddy. parks My dear friend and I went to a local park and… Read More »

Dangerous Compassions

problem solving physical therapy

Hello, reader!  How are you?  Do you have pain and / or reduced functionality of your body?  Lately I’m problem solving physical therapy. I have a very hard time inhabiting and moving my body in an intentional way, especially around people I don’t know well.  Right now I’m on my third physical therapist, and all… Read More »