Dangerous Compassions

trekking poles

trekking poles

Hey, reader.  How’s life going?  Do you walk ok these days?  I’m so happy I got my first assistive devices for walking: trekking poles.

Wow, my life is so much better now.  My knees are struggling.  My left knee in particular has been woobly and ouchie, lately.  I have chronic pain and hypermobile joints.  I was afraid of falling and wasn’t walking much at all.  Now the trekking poles are making me free again.

Yes, they are much better than having a cane.  Canes are stigmatized, and I’m not sure how to use them.  Trekking poles feel intuitive.  Actually I feel kind of like a Star Wars character, in a good way.

I considered a walker, a fancy walker with a seat.   Sometimes a seat would be helpful, like when I’m waiting in a slow line at the food bank.  My body hurts from stressful standing.

But walkers are hella stigmatized and seem hard to get in and out of a car.  Trekking poles are easy to get in and out of a car– they go with my camping chair in the backseat.  These poles also can be folded up, which I haven’t done yet.

Buying them, Ming checked Costco for trekking poles, but they weren’t selling any.  He tried a thrift store, and I called two sports resale stores– they were all out.  The pair I finally got was from Big 5 and cost $40.  They are already worth it only a few days in.


Unfortunately I’ve developed wrist pain in my right wrist.  I’m asking myself to grip the handles more loosely.  You know I have the autism; I don’t know where my body is in space.  I’m clumsy and different with how I use my body.

I was the kid who ripped the paper with how hard I pressed my pencil when I wrote.  And learning to knit as a child, I made my stitches so tight, I couldn’t get the needle in between them.  I hold on to everything intensely like I’m dying.  Yes, I’ll notice myself death-gripping the steering wheel of our car when I drive, and Ming’s hand at times.

So I notice I’m doing that and ask myself to loosen.  It’s a practice.

Ming asked about weight ratings when he was shopping and didn’t hear of any.  These days I think I weigh around 330 pounds, and these trekking poles are ok so far.

Yes, I’d recommend trekking poles to anyone who’s feeling unsteady or suffering from leg pain.

By Laura-Marie

Good at listening to the noise until it makes sense.

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