Hello, reader. How you doing? Drugs used in therapeutic ways can be powerful, like in ritual and ceremony. Ketamine and shrooms can be useful. But there’s potential for abuse when roles blur. A friend of mine was sexually violated in a drug situation that was supposed to be safe and healing. Standards for harm reduction and consent with substances would be great to have gathered and freely available in an open source way.
Is no one doing that? Maybe we should!
Yes, I would like an organized central place where we can find standards for consent in relationships also, and a safer spaces policy anyone can use. Not legal documents, but clarity for people who want to do justice with other people. Not legal contracts, but shared reality for good beginnings. It would be so great, not to need to reinvent the wheel every time.
Who is holding this important piece of culture? I tried to visit consent dot com and consent dot org. Both domains are for sale for big bucks. Wow, so many thousands of dollars.
Sad how a domain can be held hostage like that, till someone with a lot of money coughs up the dough.
consent is sacred
Consent is sacred, and it doesn’t happen on accident. We need self-knowledge, clear communication, responsible follow through. Written agreements help form a strong container. So let’s share some, and together we can make progress.
I love freedom, flexibility, and trying new things. Also I’m disabled with autism and chronic pain, and I’m crazy. I want to be brave and explore, but I need to stay safe. The people who love me need me to be ok too.
I found a dramatic royal frame in the free pile and made some strawberry vulva art. Thought you might enjoy.
It kinda goes with our whole deal.
One reply on “standards”
[…] I didn’t want her walking out into the street while having an altered state. Keeping her safe is important. Maybe I could help her eat food, drink water. I could comfort her if she freaked out. Being […]