Dangerous Compassions



I watched this video on how psychedelics work.  Or that was the title to pull me in–it was about much more than that.  How they work was only a small part of it.

I had some questions afterward.

  • Why are these speakers all men-appearing?
  • Isn’t lumpen about class, not lack of imagination?  (I had to back up the video to hear again if the dude actually used that word.  Yes, he did.)
  • Was the counterculture of the ’60s helpful to the world?
  • Why are mind-expanding drugs criminalized harshly?  Is their danger to business as usually really understood?  Or is it more of a prejudice or hype?
  • Why do societies put up with so much restriction on freedoms?
  • Why do so many people want to use science to explain mystical experiences?
  • Can people who already hear voices and see visions be helped by psychedelics?

I think the speakers are all man-appearing because this video is aiming for legitimacy of psychedelics, and white men are the voice of legitimacy, unfortunately.  Some wear suits.  It’s about power.

I prefer to hear many kinds of people speak about transformation, learning, and healing.  Mental health is a huge issue, and I’m looking for better ways of doing wellness and healing.  I noticed one man say that mental health has had very little innovation–too true.

But I’m not sure more drugs are the solution, even cool drugs.  I’d rather heal culture to reduce violence and trauma.  I guess psychedelics could be part of that.


To continue answering my own questions…  Yes, I think counterculture did a lot of good for the world, in the sense of hippie freaks, especially resisting war.  I’m grateful to my counterculture ancestors who tried something new and resisted militarism, gender roles, hair discrimination, and uptight consumerism.

I love hippies–I hope I take the good of that movement and use the insights today and indefinitely, even though I don’t use psychedelics or recreational drugs.

Sometimes I think the counterculture didn’t do enough–it was just a drop in the bucket against big money and the cult of normal.  The ways it was co-opted later make me ill.  But maybe it’s unrealistic to think they should have accomplished more.

If I try to imagine a world without hippie freaks, wow–the would be way more bleak.  We needed them.


I think societies put up with so much restriction on freedom because people fear freedom.  People really mostly want to hop on a set track and do the known thing.  Entertainment is way more important than self-reflection and being true to ourselves.  Cheetos are way easier than listening to what our bodies really need and giving it to them.

Sometimes I feel like I’m in service to my own body like my body is a queen, and my consciousness is her loyal subject.  I think what my body is experiencing and needs, and I try many many ways to help my body have well-being.  Let’s try self-massage.  Let’s try yoga over zoom.  How about walking at the mall where it’s cool?  Maybe one of those nutritional supplements people rave about.

Some things work, and most don’t.  But my body is a worthwhile queen.  I’ll do a lot for her.  She’s mute–I have to do language for her.  She can’t really say what she needs, like a tiny baby.  She can only cry.  So we have to try options and carefully note the response.

Decades ago, my body-queen endured more stress and trauma than anyone ever should.  So we live with huge challenges, but that’s the work we’re here to do.  We can’t change the past, but we can build a better world as we can, here on out.


Hmm, I don’t want to sound like Bill Cosby there.  I’m not saying we need to forget the past, pull up our pants, assimilate, and do success in a set way.  Far from it.

I want to be honest and creative about success.  Let’s define success in a way that includes us.

By Laura-Marie

Good at listening to the noise until it makes sense.

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