Dangerous Compassions

grateful today

I’m feeling grateful today that this owie on my finger is healing.  I was chopping something a few days ago and dropped the knife on my finger.  The wound was very small and minor but in a bad place on the pointer finger of my left hand–I kept bumping it and hurting it.  I can still see a pinkish reddish line there, but it’s not hurting anymore.  Praise Mother God for healing.

I’m feeling grateful today that life is full of heartache and struggle, but I always have language.  It can hurt to be in messed up situations, but at least I can explain what happened clearly and talk about it.  Some people, language is really hard.  That seems lonely to me, to be unable to express truths about your own life.  Language can be divisive and frustrating, but also a great comfort.

I’m feeling grateful today that life changes.  There’s a vast array of choices, in the world.  I can get accidentally stuck in the mentality of what I’m doing right now, forgetting how wide the world is.  Praise Mother God for a wide world, wider than my ass.

I’m feeling grateful that other fat people are doing fat liberation work, not just me.  A community member forward me this link about Jessamyn Stanley and said he learned a lot from the radio interview he heard.  It was a relaxing feeling, to remember that many people are speaking about fatness as valid, and I’m not alone in it, even though I often feel that way.

relaxing friendship

I’m feeling grateful for friendship where I can talk to someone low stress, who can see me and respect me for who I am, and we can present vivid, amazing ideas to one another within the framework of a relationship that’s mostly easy.  There can be all different kinds of relationships, but I’m really happy about the ones where I can feel safe being a version of me who’s relaxed and unafraid of getting yelled at, jumped on, or invalidated.

Thank you to the respectful, chill friends who I feel really safe with.  Working on reaching out more to those people, not the squeaky wheels who might get more attention.

I finished a patch–I think they’re getting better?

grateful today

The best pleasure of life is Ming.  A tummy can be a pillow, and a breast can be a pillow.  This was a wholesome sleep selfie–he sleeps a lot.  Narcolepsy!

grateful today

By Laura-Marie

Good at listening to the noise until it makes sense.

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