Hey, I’m late to the virtual zine fest. I guess I’m the punk kid on a blanket on the grass outside the building, selling my zines until security tells me to skeedaddle. Causing ethical distress to passers by.
Tense, fraught ruminations: “I want to support the zine fest! I’m nuts about zines! What do the table fees pay for anyway? I’m an anarchist. I love freedom and behaving outside of meaningless norms. But is this norm meaningful? Arg!!!”
What’s an ethical zine-loving anarchist to do? Eye the wares on the blanket from a distance and decide–who needs another expensive full color photo zine anyway? Or hemp jewelry decorated with bird bones? Or elaborate crystal key chains that will break in your bag in two days anyway?
Alternatively, see messy perzines and herbal remedies, and relate to the punk kid, remembering when you were too poor to pay for a table also. Then buy two zines and overpay in time traveling solidarity.
Hmm, ok. Back to the topic at hand.
There’s a virtual zine fest where you’re supposed to photograph your zines all pretty, say how someone can get them, and hashtag a particular hashtag. #virtualpzs2021 This hashtag I think will not be meaningful and clickable here, but it will work better on instagram, twitter, etc.
I think it’s a nice way to spread the word about your zines and promote the Portland Zine Symposium for next year when possibly it will be in person again. Yes, Ming and I have traveled to the Portland Zine Symposium years ago and even tabled there, legitimately, during a heat wave. That’s where I started my first issue of fish letters and met my friend Sam.
Echo Publishing
Yeah, virtual zine fest was over the weekend, so I’m late. Here my zine friend Nina explains the whole thing and shows the Echo Publishing virtual zine fest table. Very beautiful!
Virtual Portland Zine Symposium 2021 – my virtual zine table
Bonusly, my friend the famous No Gods No Mattress zinester enola dismay reviewed one of my latest zines, lost child 6, on her blog. It was thrilling to hear how she enjoyed it, and to learn about the other two zines she reviewed also.
The writing of enola is so likable, fun, real, full of life. I could read her writing all day. Bonusly, she is an amazing friend also.
Thank you to zines and zinesters for all the good you’ve done in my life. I love you.
2 replies on “virtual zine fest”
[…] Athemaura, one of my absolute favourites. One of the new zines I recently received and loved is To Love: Abusers in Radical Spaces about the complexity of inter-communal abuse and community accountability in activist groups. The […]