Functionally ill

fish letters 8

I copied a new zine yesterday, fish letters 8.  It’s about abuse, feelings, breaking up, and how we realize connections among present, far away, very near, one relationship, and another.
Love, disability, addiction, family pain, and when enough is enough.  It’s a perzine, unsent letters zine, 24 pages, quarter size, hand bound simply with pink-red thread.
fish letters 8
new zine fish letters 8
I’m happy to trade!  Thank you to Ming for zine help and kindness.  And thank you to all the good friends who support me all the time, and listened to me talk about this shit for hours.  I love you.
unsent letters
Fish letters is an unsent letters zine I’ve been making for years.  Almost nine years, I guess.  This one has a long, emotional unsent letter, and then a bunch of language about breaking up, handy sentences for expressing needs around setting boundaries and saying no to abuse.
Also is has a few weird drawings I made.  I think a lot of my art is psychedelic, which is strange seeing as I never used any of those drugs.  But I’ll take it.  It’s a pleasure to be who I am–much better than wasting time fighting it.
Fish letters 8 includes some discussion of exploitation and mention of domestic violence, but it’s not graphic, so I don’t think it needs a content warning.  Maybe having the subtitle of “abuse” is content warning enough.
It’s vulnerable and clear, and I’m proud of it.  Lately I feel so scattered, that it feels like a great triumph to see something from start to finish.  My desk is covered in stuff that’s half-done, in process, semi-abandoned.
Please trade with me or share something of your own.  Love to the feelers, thinkers, and people who are moving forward and trying new things, breaking the family patterns of abuse and pain.

By Laura-Marie

Good at listening to the noise until it makes sense.

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