Dangerous Compassions

nuclear weapons are illegal

Hey, gmorning.  Nuclear weapons are illegal today.

I put thin ribbons of cabbage on my rice, as it cooked.  Wow, it was so good.  I thought the cabbage would be a little bit fibery or tough, but it almost melted!  It was a soft, delicious joy.  Yum yum.  I love rice magic.  Maybe I’m a rice witch.

Ming went to this local cafe Grits and bought breakfast for himself.  It was expensive but sweet to support a local business.  He brought it home, and I liked to see it and sniff the grits.

Feeling like my own dog again.

We had a good ride yesterday, took pics by the Zion community garden and the containers I love.  I told Ming, “Follow me!  I’m the strawberry fairy.”  It was a beautiful sentence to speak to my love.

Today is a special day.  Nuclear weapons are illegal.  Ming is going to two actions, and I’m praying for the well-being of all demonstrators today!

I want to make a mandala out of sunflowers and crystals.  Sunflowers are symbolic of nuclear disarmament.  Yeah, I’m that kind of hippie.  Wish me luck.  Meanwhile, here’s a meme of the morning.

Laura-Marie’s official statement on nuclear weapons and war

All people deserve safety.  Nuclear weapons are not safe for the people who mine the radioactive materials or handle them, people who make bombs, people who test bombs, and downwinders who suffer from the fallout.  Let alone deliberate victims, their homelands, their progeny.

We are all downwinders.  Mother Earth doesn’t want to see any of her children suffer the physical damage and emotional harm of nuclear violence.

Today I pray for nuclear victims of all kinds.  Bless the souls of all who are harmed by this destructive force.  I also pray for strength to all of us who make peace and love one another, in all the ways we love.  May we nourish ourselves and one another to do the sacred work.

By Laura-Marie

Good at listening to the noise until it makes sense.

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