Dangerous Compassions

sun energy

1.  the central coast of California

2.  orange

3.  creamy ice cream, ricemilk chocolate, fancy chocolate, cheap chocolate, See’s candy chocolate, chocolate with peanut butter, chocolate with coconut, pudding, rice pudding with nuts, gulab jamun, custard, strawberries, pecan pie, sweet potato pie and pumpkin pie with whipped cream, cake, shakes, blizzard kinda things, cheesecake, cookies–oh yes, chocolate chip, butterscotch, oatmeal with nuts, white chocolate macadamia, sugar cookies, Mexican wedding cakes, haystacks.  brownies, blondies, apple crisp, blueberry pie, pumpkin bread, zucchini bread, banana bread.  smoothies, hippie desserts such as peanut butter mixed with honey and coconut.  vegan donuts.  apple turnovers from Acme.  chocolate milk, lemonade, mint lemonade, ginger lemonade.  fruit punch, juice, mango lassi.  ras malia–oh yeah, the queen of desserts.  decaf black tea with milk and sugar, especially Earl Grey.  fancy cafe drinks, decaf.  milk tea with boba, little ice.

Reading that list, maybe you think I eat dessert all day, but I try not to eat too much sugar, so when I eat dessert, I really enjoy it!  My friend wanted to give me some fig jam she made, and it sounded good, but I was like, I don’t eat jam–I save my sugar for later in the day, and it usually involves chocolate.  I like jam in theory, but when it comes down to it, Ming is the jam eater of the family.

Long time ago, in Sacramento, we did bread pickup for Food Not Bombs and would often get a spare loaf.  My breakfast for a while was bread with jam–I had guava jam, for some reason.  Goya brand.  Wow, I loved that stuff.  I would eat in that kitchen in our little apartment in North Oak Park, by myself, staring out the window, munching that lovely bread and jam.  Those were the days.

I told my friend who made the fig jam that chocolate reason I had, for saying no, and she said she has just the tiniest bit of jam.  I think she meant it wasn’t much sugar, as you don’t need much.  I told her, “Yeah, you have the ability to have a tiny bit!”  I go wild.  You know me.

It’s good to get sun, but my right arm, the skin is getting frecklier.  It makes me nervous.  I guess I need to cover up or wear sunscreen. 

Sunlight is so important.  Needing the thing that can kill me.  Kind of like love.  So good, but you gotta be careful.  Too much can kill me, but too little could also.

But I was feeling sun energy.  You might be able to tell by the colors of my clothes.  Lately I wear blue sometimes.  But it tends to be either black with its moody depth and cool completeness, or the red family, with its energy and motion.  Not much in the middle.

Oh, Laura-Marie–must you be so extreme.  Yeah, I’m working on it.  Working on being more extreme, that is.  Just kidding.

One of my favorite foods is soyrizo, kale, rice, and some kind of butter.  Wow, so easy and so nice.  Soyrizo is like heaven for me, honestly.  Yum!  Fry it for a while, and the soyrizo gets crispy.  Mmmm.

And then, this is apropos to nothing, but Ming likes the whale.  Lucky for me, he’s generous with his likes.  What a sweetie.

By Laura-Marie

Good at listening to the noise until it makes sense.

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