“If that’s a cow, please tell it we don’t want any. We already gave at the office.”
“It is a cow,” Ming said, peeking thru the blinds.
“The check is in the mail.”
Possible cover for the trike diaries zine. Ming encourages me to try again.
I recorded three songs yesterday. This one is my favorite.
I realized I have cream cheese and powdered sugar at home, so maybe I could make a little frosting, like a tablespoon, and frost a brownie and see if that improves it. I bet it would. The flavor would have another element, the sweet creamy tang layer to offset the chocolate neutrality.
The cream cheese was for making roasted red pepper one pot pasta, to add the creaminess at the end. Two bricks of it Ming bought for me at WinCo a while back, waiting for their day.
I was emoting to Ming about how frustrated I feel that cpap equipment is so hard to clean and maintain. “Here, have a bunch more stuff to do. I know you’re disabled–now be more disabled.”
If someone came over to wash the stuff for us, or they took away some responsibilities to replace with other responsibilities, that might work. But it’s really frustrating. I feel the opening where the tube attaches to the headgear closes up partly, lately.
Have we ever replaced the headgear? I thank God that Ming does any upkeep at all. I wasn’t trying to criticize him. More the system where we’re expected to do all this stuff for ourselves that we can’t. It’s supposed to be nothing. But if we fuck it up, we can get infections and have a lot of problems.
I can imagine a culture where being disabled means you get extra resources to care for special needs. Instead, I’m expected to live below the poverty level and be ok, thankful for my crumb.
Worker bees struggle to work, parents struggle to parent, and I struggle to survive my disabilities in a world that tells me I’m worthless because I don’t “do anything.” Hahahahaha!
Well, thanks for listening. I love you.