Some bit of advice someone gave me, 15 years ago, I still remember and consider.
When Ming and I moved in together in North Oak Park, the previous tenant had left behind some shampoo, in the cabinet under the kitchen sink, which I used to wash my hair. A friend who dumpster dived a lot said to be careful doing that.
Recently some rich friends of ours moved away, and they gave us seven boxes and bags of stuff, mostly pantry foods. Today Ming is going through the cleaning products. I want some fancy shampoo that I suspect is in the bag. The bottle’s angular shape.
I was reading about some sacred clowns. They do stuff backwards. Sounds fun. Something about whether Thunder Beings had spoken to them…
I was thinking, Thunder Beings never talked to me. But I’ve heard voices ever since I can remember. Maybe they’re Thunder Beings? Probably not.
We could wonder all day, about what my voices are. One on end of the spectrum is “malfunction” and on the other end is “oversoul.” Maybe somewhere on that spectrum is angels, Thunder Beings, and errant dream bits surfacing while I’m awake.
This art is on the side of the free box at San Miguel Community Garden.