I wanted to see a bean plant on google images to draw for a zine. I drew some beans, but I thought I’d like to draw a bean plant also–a lively, vibrant, life-giving, leafy thing.
I realized more than ever how green beans and actual beans are lumped together, when really, they are two different things. You’ve got a green food eaten as a normal vegetable, and you’ve got a wonderful little morsel you make into a delicious brown stew of warmth and comforting goodness, for hours, with water and spices.
Ming and I decided to have two separate names for them. Bean-vegetable, and bean-bean.
“Can we do that?” I asked.
“We can do that,” he said. “I should write it down so I won’t forget.”
Then there are vanilla beans too. Part of a flower. Jeeze. Obviously, the English language has some problems with beans.
Also, here is a picture of the tomato seeds molding in the mason jars, at my friend’s parents’ farm, to get the goo off, so the seeds can be dried and saved. I couldn’t stop staring at them, gross yet pretty in the window.
Yesterday I was sitting on the dark green velvet couch for a minute and took some selfies.
My hair was doing a thing that it doesn’t so as much, in the desert. Humidity feels different on my skin, and my hair curls erratically.
The time is passing quickly, here. Being me is a lot of work, sometimes. Even sleep is no break from feelings, with these intense dreams. Thanking goodness for every day and every moment.