Dangerous Compassions


Ming cries when he hears my outgoing voicemail message, a prayer song.  I asked him why.  He was crying not even knowing what it means–it’s in Sanskrit.  I told him the translation and he cried again.

twameva mataa cha pita twameva.
twameva bandush cha sakha twameva.
twameva vidya dravinam twameva.
twameva sarvam mama deva deva.

Thou art to me, oh Lord, the affectionate mother, 
constantly looking to my well being.
Thou art to me, oh Lord, the compassionate father, 
whose care and counsel always guide and sustain me.
Thou art the faithful friend, 
ever standing by me in trials and temptations.
And the loving companion to share my joys and sufferings.
Thou art my wisdom, my wealth—
nay, thou art my all in all, oh Lord supreme.

By Laura-Marie

Good at listening to the noise until it makes sense.

2 replies on “twameva”

I find Sanskrit really mysterious. At the moment I am learning Japanese but I don’t know at this rate how long it will take me to reach fluency. Once I have a better grip on Japanese I would like to look again at Mandarin Chinese. So many languages only one life.

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