Dangerous Compassions

welcome to June

I’m excited about June.  For some reason, I’m ready for May to be over. 

I don’t like summer.  But in the past, I did like summer solstice.

-a special love letter I was given and told to open on summer solstice

-a sun ritual with orange paper

-strange annual parades in Santa Barbara with naked people and confetti eggs, colorful bits of confetti coating the streets and getting into sidewalk cracks to be seen days afterward

-longest day of the year

-the feeling of a turning point

-special things lining up in special ancient places like stonehenge

Tomorrow is a journaling in the garden thing.  I’m looking forward to it.

Some fun facts about me:

I try to eat half an avocado every day.

I try to eat nuts every day.

I try to eat a banana every day.

I really enjoy those foods, so it’s a pleasure.

Today I was accidentally rude to Ming at the dollar store.  I was looking for this delicious olive pesto.  They had it!  I got four small bottles. 

When we were checking out, I noticed the worker was using a plastic bag to put the things into.  I told Ming, “If you don’t use the bag you brought, you might as well not have brought it.”  He had the paper bag he’d brought folded under his arm.

It sounded really mean, but I didn’t want it to come out that way.  Oops.  I apologized in the parking lot.  He thought it was funny.

Yoga today, the recovery place messed up and the teacher didn’t show.  She moved back to California, they said. 

So we ended up doing chair yoga to some videos this lady had on her phone, downloaded to help her elderly mother.  The new teacher will be there next week.

This participant lady introduced herself to me.  She shook my hand and told me her name, a name I had never heard before.  She looked at me in a surprised way and said, “You are a beautiful woman.”

I was shocked.  I said thank you and marveled.

Las Vegas has great clouds.  I’ve learned a lot here.  Amazing clouds.

By Laura-Marie

Good at listening to the noise until it makes sense.

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