Today is the special day my friend posted a blog post related to an old post of mine.
Something that surprised me yesterday–we were at Ikea for lunch. Ming’s GP’s office is right by Ikea. They have those 75 cent vegan hotdogs.
Ming is a fiend for marshmallows and is vegetarian except for seafood and marshmallows. So he bought these chocolate covered marshmallows at Ikea. It bothered him that the chocolate coating was cracking on some of them. I comforted him, “They probably still taste good,” twice.
He ate one, after his vegan hotdogs, and didn’t really like it. He complained the marshmallow was too squishy.
I read the ingredients on the box and was amazed to see–they were vegetarian marshmallows! They were made with agar agar instead of gelatin.
So I ate a chocolate covered marshmallow, and it was amazing! I never ate one before! Wow! How delicious.
For a time in my life, I thought the world was bad. It’s easy to hate the world when you’re feeling trapped and stuck.
It took years for me to change into a person who feels good about the world. When I look at the clouds, it helps a lot. They come and go, but I trust there will be new ones. The sky is always there for me, the sun.
Ming just made us breakfast. I think he was overtaken by some creativity. He served it with a strawberry on the side. My strawberry was sweet and delicious.
I’ve been thinking that life is like the weather. If you don’t like it, just wait a while. It will change. Life changes a lot, and I used to hate that, but I’m liking it more and more.