Yesterday I was working working working. Emailing, msging, making agendas, making phone calls, proofreading the newsletter over and over, every draft. Eventually it was after 8pm and I was still working. I realized my brain was fried.
Somehow sleep didn’t heal me. My brain is still not good. So I’m going to take it easy today. I want tea, a soft blanket, and to listen to the rain.
Ming bought me these fiber supplements that are chewable. I ate one last night–it was a lot like eating chalk. I used to eat chalk, when I was a kid. Not sure why.
I also ate paper sometimes, not a good idea. I was telling Ming about it, had the idea it was like self-harm. I wasn’t eating paper because I was happy.
Slowly working on the new zines. Everything take five times longer than I thought it would, lately. But this isn’t a race.