I wanted to go to a spaghetti dinner and dance tonight at Transcending the Gender Box. But I can’t eat spaghetti sauce right now and don’t have much pep.
Need to get up at 5:30 tomorrow morning and serve at the soupline, my first time serving the hungry since the hospitalization. Ming’s going to carry a chair out to the field.
Then I will also attend Saturday meeting. It’s been a while. I could have gone last week, but I didn’t want to bring my germs to the table.
I had this laptop I wasn’t using. I bought it to have a windows machine when I wanted to be an oral historian. Then I found out transcribing interviews takes too many hours and doesn’t agree with my pinched nerve, and Dragon voice transcription software doesn’t work for me.
So the equipment was gathering dust. Found out my good friend did some interviews, and next thing I knew, Ming was packaging up the technology to send to her. But we forgot the charging cord. But Ming sent it today.
My aunt sent me a get well present: pretty journal, nice pens, paper, envelopes, get well card. How perfect. I sent her a thank you note already.