Dangerous Compassions

review of the Home Goods on Decatur

Last night we went to Home Goods, a store I had never been to before.  I heard positive things about it from Mom.

Found it kind of messy.  There was broken furniture in the front window where we walked in and I was like, “What’s going on?” 

I looked at journals.  They could be found in a few different places in the store.  Most were $5.  Some were nice.

I looked at notecards.  They were almost all thank you cards and kind of boring.  There weren’t a lot.

I looked at hand soap and bar soap.  Some of it seemed good but cost more than I wanted to pay.

I looked at some diluted essential oils and wanted them but again, too much money.

I looked at food.  It seemed kind of sketch, some of it.  I don’t want food that’s been sitting too long.

Ming ended up getting a green can opener for Freedom House which needed one.  We got this two-pack of reusable ziptop bags from the impulse buy area. 

And I got three journals.  One is fancy from Italy with a beautiful cover depicting cherry blossoms, and I paid $6 for it though it’s thin.  One was marked down repeatedly to 70 cents and is a little banged up but ok.  The third I might give someone for a present?  It was marked down to $3 and seems nice.

Was telling Ming the other day I might have enough journals at this point to get me through to the end of my life.  I prefer my journals unlined, which kind of makes them sketchbooks.

Over all, it reminded me of Ross without the clothes and shoes.  It was organized weird, like tons of products crammed into a small space then across the aisle empty shelf.  But it was fun to look at different stuff.

By Laura-Marie

Good at listening to the noise until it makes sense.

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