Gmorning. Here I find myself at a starbux while Ming does the PBS mental health event. I couldn’t go because they are playing a movie that looks super disturbing about a lady in an abandoned farmhouse starving to death on apples? Why would anyone want to see that?
I wanted to boycott starbux for a deal they signed with Nestle–yuck. Nestle is terrible. But it can be hard to break a habit. I’ll improve.
They’re playing Simon and Garfunkle, songs I loved when I was a teenager alone in my bedroom, but they feel different now.
So this afternoon is community dinner and I don’t have to do anything else. Need rest and quiet.
This starbux is decorated for halloween with fake spiderwebs and I’m like, whatever. I helped a dressed up lady carry a bunch of drinks to her car. It’s almost the anniversary of the shooting, and I am cranky about that too.
2 replies on “jubilation, she loves me again”
Lovely writing.
Would it help your boycott to know they also have a multi million dollar deal with Monsanto for GMO coffee?
hey thanks, Unknown. wow, didn't know abt the GMO coffee. because Ming has narcolepsy he can't drive by himself, so I have to go places with him and often end up at a starbux writing and waiting while he does his thing. but it's bougie of me. I could have been at the Subway instead. yes, will break the habit. thanks agn.