Our Hero feels like crap today.
Today I found a new way to carry my wallet that is less cumbersome to my pants. Now you know a little more about me, than you knew a moment ago.
I also found a more secure way to hold bags in the Short Bus with flat bungie cords and the back seat seat’s headrest. I am feeling happy about less sliding of cargo in the back seat area.
I have been working hard on cleaning the house. I am getting around to the root of some house projects. Feeling good.
Today I had a computer consultation with our one consultant for Nevada Desert Experience, such that we can get better use from the old NDE Database. Now I need to find out how to utilize the old software, Microsoft Works 9, and be resolved to work it such that it works as a better solution for NDE than some of the other database software that is out in the world. So expensive, the other software options were.
My long hair is sticking to my arms due to the Las Vegas heat and my body’s attempts to cool itself. It feels creepy and unpleasant.
Time for me to go to sleep. Good night.
Thank you for reading !